
Here are some of my published works:

Organizing Workers in Space Between Unions: Union-Centric Labor Revitalization and the Role of Community-Based Organizations.” Critical Sociology. 36: 793-819. 2010.

Labor Market or Labour Movement? The Union Density Bias as Barrier to Labor Renewal” Work, Employment and Society. 24(1): 145-156. 2010.

“Why the Labor Movement is Not a Movement” New Labor Forum. 19(2): 53-58.

Density Matters: The Union Density Bias and the Implications for Labor Movement Revitalization.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 14(2): 239-60. 2009.

Mapping Labor Revitalization: Movement Innovators Survey the California Frontier.” Sociological Focus 37:251-268. 2004.

Pyrrhic Victory at UC Santa Barbara: The Struggle for Labor’s New Identity.” Pp. 91-116 in Cogs in the Classroom Factory: The Changing Identity of Academic Labor, edited by D. M. Herman and J. M. Schmid. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers. 2003